it seems god is finding new and creative ways to blow me away with his ability to supply me with my needs (and desires!)
a new car
a great new house
good grades
and yay even money.
sadly my account got overdrawn due to a bill. so my account is in the -$'s..which is never nice.
on friday i was just like "god, i know that if necessary i can survive til pay day with no money, but ya know, some money wud b nice." ...that night i put on a pair of jeans that had $20 in the back pocket!!
also, today i was supposed to go to this guys house to clean it and he was gonna pay me to do it. which was great for me cos id have money to live and also to put towards my insurance bill thats coming up next week. i was texting my best mate in sth africa and when he found out he offered me more money if i wud just stay at home and not go to this guys house. i cudnt believe he was offering this. but of course i accepted. god bless tyrone. altho we've had our moments, he really is heaven sent at times. im so thankful to him for helping me. but im more thankful to god. because he had it all worked out. he knew all along that those sms's would get exchanged and he knew the state of ty's heart. ty is a giving man. im so happy. i know its just a small thing but im blown easily pleased! haha.
also today ruth asked me if i wanted to go to the leaders meeting tonight. i was really suprised. yet excited. i guess because ive really felt that god has been working on me and i feel like im changing. but i feel like by being invited to this that other ppl can see a change in me too. the fact that its a leaders meeting doesnt even matter to me! im just so glad that ppl can see god is working on and in me. is that lame? ahh i dont care. im just happy. haha.
ok ill stop waffling.
but its good that god can supply my physical and emotional needs.