wow what a week!
i just attended my first hillsong conference and now i never want to miss a year. it was just so so amazing. seriosly there are no words. "mind blowing" is a word ive commonly used to describe how i have felt at the end of each day. and that didnt even come close to expressing how i felt.
each day was amazing. alot of ppl preached out of exodus in reference to leadership - i think ill have to have a read of that book in light of leadership hey. very interesting.
i visited 'jam' which is the youth hillsong conference. man that was AMAZING! 4000-5000 youth praising god and getting convicted. they didnt even trash the joint, i was impressed!
israeal houghton was there. what an amazing worship team he has. and it was so exciting to be able to sing along to such amazing music without having to follow the words...hehe just scream the words out and boogie around. the new hillsong live album is gonna be amazing. we sung 'dance dance dance' alot and to anyone reading this you NEED to buy that cd cos that song gets you dancing, you cant help it! not that dancing like a fool has ever been an issue for me :p but dancing around - carefree just to worship god and to let every movement of your body be a glorification for god - its so liberating and fills you with this joy that ive never experienced b4.
all the speakers were truly amazing. reinhard bonnke was so goood!! and seeing the short clip of his campaigns in africa gob-smacked me! all you could was ppl. everywhere. its amazing the way he reaches the millions. he told a story of how he received a threat from osama bin laden!!! crazy! not just any threat either - a death threat!! you know your doing something right when osama bin laden wants you dead. hhehe. good thing us god wants him alive so much more so the devil hasnt got a chance. *na na nana na*
we also had delirious there. the little concert they put on for us was amazing and the lead singer was so amazed at the crowd - how could you not be amazed at the scene of 30 000 ppl all worshiping god in unity, its enough to take your breathe away thats for sure. and its a sight i NEVER got sick of!
altho the whole conference was amazing, the final session was THE BEST!!!!! the 7:45pm session on friday night was a praise party and annointing service. my ticket was behind the stage - as usual. so as usual i stood in line for a better seat with jon. then when we got seated, i got a call from sam sheedy, saying come down - we have seats saved for you (PRETTY MUCH AT THE FRONT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) so we bolted down and got such amazing seats! the praise and worship started off as usual and then we watched a dvd of 'hillsong memories' showing 20 yrs of hillsong - what a crack up!!! some VERY bad hair styles and outfit selections!
then we had hillsong 'top ten' where we sung a mix of the top ten most impacting hillsong songs over the last 20 years - that was so so cool! and wow all the lights and sound and media was done to COMPLETE excellence!! on the roof at the back of the dome on the last night they projectected "GLORY TO GOD" wow it looked so amazing. oh and i forgot to say they had these dancers at the start, that was cool (but our sunset dancers are better sorry. hahaha) and yeh, then we had the annointing part of the service where EVERYONE in the entire dome - thats like 30 000 ppl got annointed with oil. i got annointed twice. HAHA but i wasnt gonna say anything! the worship played in this was so touching and my tears flowed like a river - goodbye mascara. some ppl just got a dot of oil on the forehead and that was it, but i got blessed, the annointing peeps that i got prayed as well. gee its mindblowing when a stranger speaks stuff into ur life thats SO SO spot on. and THEN to have words in the worship line up perfectly with the things that god is telling you. god shared things with me that made me cry cos i dont want to do them. hha. what a spoilt brat. BUT GOD I DONT WANT TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but its been great how gods had grace on me and let me grow more happy and accepting with it all.
THEN we had the praise party! and since god knows my hearts desires - i wound up in the mosh pit! THATS RIGHT! I WAS IN A HILLSONG MOSH PIT! aawwww yeah!!!! it was amazing. ive never sweated so much. haha. but it was so great to jump and dance and just offer every last peice of energy i had as a sacrifice of praise to god. its so....urrggh no words. liberating, freeing, uplifting. it was AWESOME. and i cried a little as my younger brother jon - who spent the whole conference hardly muttering a word of praise, or raising his hands to god - mosh, dance, sing and praise god. oh my heart was just beating so fast. it blessed me so much to see him get into praising god. i wanna cry just writing about it. i had prayed and prayed that god would touch him at the conference, i know that he really did.
anyway. i could write on and on and on. but i wanna finish on that high note. im now in brisbane staying with my brother ben, his wife linda and their son joseph. hes so cute. he's 21 months and so so so so cute. im loving spending time with them. so i beta get back to it!
wow! wow.
did reinhardt bonnke tell the story of how he raised someone from the dead at one of his rallies in Africa ?? but then it came out that the person was one of his staff with a faked death certificate ?? the guy is a fake who (like so many preachers today) wants to make money and fame from the faithful who blindly trust...
no he didnt tell that story - probably because the story you read was in a newspaper - where they make crap up in order to make sales :-)
dont judge if u havent heard for real urself bro.
so bonnke is not just getting death threats only huh?
it's cool you had a wonderful experience. have an lovely rest of trip
don't believe everything a 'pastor' tells you... they have more vested interests than any newspaper has in debunking bonnke...
and i have done research .. lots of it
be careful of putting faith in men rather than Christ... everyone can be tempted to do the wrong thing when it suits them
hi ab truth, sounds like you've been hurt or jadded in your quest for research on pastors. in the end the church is full of imperfect people and you will come across some dodgy ones, but that doesn't mean a sterotype can be formed on all pastors and churches.
if only i could tell you how amazing it really all is...
everyone gets hurt at some stage in a church, that is inevitable. the trick is to be mature enough and know that if the Bible is true then we are all fallen creatures awaiting our final restoration to right relationship with God (when i say God i mean Father, Son and Holy Spirit) and as a result we do things that hurt. most people who do this (by far the majority) have no intention to hurt anyone, but do so out of ignorance, unthinkingness (just made that word up - can you tell?) or pride.
this is not my motivation however... we are called by the Bible to test everthing according to the scriptures and to have nothing to do with someone teaching others a corrupt gospel...
now noone is a possesser of the complete truth, but the essentials of the faith must be adhered to to be truley considered 'orthodox' Christianity...
there are many things that we can agree to disagree on and remain 'in communion' with each other... ie should someone be baptised by total immersion or sprinkling of water etc should women be allowed to be pastors etc (of course i think they should but if you disagree then so be it)
but then we can go onto something called 'abberant' teaching such as alot of what Benny Hinn goes on with... he stated that Adam (as in Adam and Eve) could fly as God gave him dominion over the birds of the air! sounds crazy and really is not supported by the Bible but you know doesn't really undercut the true message of the gospel.
more seriously there is teaching that is called 'heretical' teaching. a heresy is something that undermines the basic tennants of the Christian faith and is very dangerous. if someone holds to a heretical teaching we would not be said to be 'in communion' with them because thier beliefs compromise the message of the New Testament and take us away from the gospel rather than toward it...
for instance
Joyce Meyer, Benny Hinn, Rodney Howard Brown, and many other 'Christian' superstars have upheld teaching of Kenneth Copeland who stated that Jesus was tortured in Hell for 3 days after the crucifixion and paid for our sins there... now this is a serious statement that has wide ramefications for the gospel as a whole as orthodox Christianity holds that Jesus' death on the cross was sufficient payment of the penalty for our sins
even more serious is a very subtle one that comes with varying teachings along the lines of ...
if you do this (whatever "this" maybe..) then God will do this (bless you in some fashion ususally with money)
eg if you pray the prayer of Jabez everyday then God will bless you... if you claim the healing power of God then he will heal you
this is heretical as it takes away God's soverignty as the creator of all things to do as he likes... God always has the perogitive to say 'no' no matter how good the request may be. it actually puts the power of God in our hands and he has to do our bidding... this is a continuation of the lie of Satan who said to Adam and Eve eat the fruit and you will be like him... we lap up this sort of teaching because we like the idea of our destiny being in our own hands in some way.
do not take me for someone who just wants to have a go at someone out of anger or hurt.. i do this out of a desire to see you all on this blog understand what is at stake before you get hurt, i may never have met you and am on the other side of the country but i am concerned for anyone who is fooled by people who are out for fame and money and will twist the truth in very subtle ways .......
by the way ... please take this as an honest compliment
ruth, anna and caz
you are all spectacularly good looking young women.. i wish you all the best for your lives
but remember that without Christ we are all just white trash without meaning value or purpose as all of our worth can only be truly found in him.
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Hey Caz,
I am doing some reserach on Bonnke.
Could you please tell me what you remember Bonnke said about bin Laden - how did he get the threat, when, where, who, what happened (I understand a crusade was cancelled), why. Is it on a Hillsong DVD somewhere?
By the way Caz. Bonnke did run around talking about the pastor raised from the dead. Has been on U.S. T.V. making this claim and promoting a video his people made about it.
Trouble is, it proved to be a pile of crock.
Which may be why he doesn't talk so much about it these days.
And that's just the beginning.
Unfortunately Caz, sista, take it from others who have a few more years under their belt and are in a better position to know: this guy has form.
This is why I want to check the sources of his Osama story - so anything you remember he said is helpful there. If he is credible then there is nothing to fear by simply reporting his story.
By the way Caz - abtruth is telling the truth. Bonnke did run around talking about the pastor raised from the dead.
For example here is a transcript from U.S. T.V. where he promoted a video his people made about it.
Took the guy around with him for a while too until it all blew up as a pile of crock.
Which may be why he doesn't talk so much about it these days.
And that's just the beginning.
Unfortunately Caz, sista, take it from others who have a few more years under their belt and are in a better position to know: this guy has form.
i'm not sure why i'm bothering commenting, but just wanna say even if it did turn out to be false, (although i wouldn't take US TV as being a great research tool), it does not discount the millions of african lives that are being transformed by the power of jesus. say what you will about inperfect people who are willing to be used by God in the public eye and will inevitably make mistakes, but don't therefore discount all the other things happening as a result of their lives.
God uses the foolish right? maybe that's why God is using bonnke. I'm glad God uses people who have stuffed up and made mistakes in the past - gives me hope that he can still continue to use me.
im almost sorry i even wrote this post.
im disgusted in the time you ppl spend trying to prove that someone is a fake. dont u have better things to do? im sure god looks down on you and thinks "well done my faithful servent, im so glad you wasted 3 hours today reading about how you can prove someone to be fake' NOT.
there are more important things to be focusing on...told a friend about how god has changed your life lately? probavbly not. and even if you did they wud think you were a tool cos u spend so much time trying to prove that half the christian pastors are fake - how inspiring.
HONESTLY!! imagine what baby christians would think if they heard this!!? it would scare them off and they'd wouldnt want to know anything about god or the christian faith...and so they would go on with their helpless and hopeless lives without christ. now THAT is not what god wants.
there are people out there who teach wrong things, or what they say is taken out of context, but that is not what is important guys. lets refocus and remember why god put us here.
people can say good stuff but its the subtle lie that will get you...
if i gave you a bowl of jelly beans but one of them was laced with cyanide (a poison that will kill you painfully in about a minute) ... how many of the jelly beans would you eat...?
i do tell people about Jesus all the time actually .. but remember part of telling people about the truth involves exposing the lie as well...
it may not seem this way but my only motivation for instigating this conversation is to warn you... i am truly concerned for YOU..
imagine the consequences of someone coming to faith in Christ on the basis of the testimony of someone who is later proved to be a liar... imagine how that could rupture the faith of all those 'baby Christians'
Caz, a signature on a decision card (which is how Bonnke likes to count his converts - although the numbers are very flexible on any given day), although does not make a Christian. Bonnke flies in every year does a few rallies, flies out.
The first thing to remember is no-one can convert anyone. It is purely the work of God, God coming to us, God finding us.
The real work of evangelism and discipling in Africa is done by the African churches upon whom he relies for publicity etc. But he rarely if ever either gives them any credit much less gives much back to them. And when he stirs up trouble which has caused retaliation, persecution and death of local Christians, he doesn't hang around.
In fact, he doesn't have wholesale support of African Christians who have been some of his strongest critics (happy to give you links)
He relies on his big rallies to enhance his reputation. But really if you have been to Africa (and I have visited some parts) you can stand on a corner and scream DEMON! and thousands will come running to see - be they Christians, Muslims, animists or whatever. That is the nature of many African communities. "God" of some sort, permeates their life.
But of course he has never been able to replicate that sort of stuff in Europe (where he has tried) or elsewhere. One of the ingredients to his formula is missing. Which makes one question just how "anointed" this guy is.
So in this an many other respects he is a fraud and an opportunist AND also presenting you with a very false view of the work of evangelism.
BTW that link I gave you? That was a transcript of Bonnke himself being interviewed and on a "Christian" network. Plenty of others. So by saying "don't take US TV" as a great research tool, are you also saying you don't take Bonnke's very words at any value either? Hey you might have even seen him on TV here chatting to one Benny Hinn promoting the same video.
Happy to hear what he said about Osama. I mean the guy is the real deal little sista, right?
Nope. Rheinhard is still promoting
dead people
can't believe that that guy said this on his blog or that Bonnke preached it at all
"Reinhard preached on the FIRE of Pentecost, and in his unique way, drove home hard the fact that the Christian faith should not be characterised with water babtism 'cold & wet' but with the 'Holy Spirit & Fire'."
Baptism, represents leaving the old life behind dying to sin and being born again to a new life in Jesus... Christ himself was baptised as were all new converts pre and post pentecost. although there is nothing magical to it, i would say the act of baptism as a public declaration of your faith in Christ is something that absolutley should characterise the Christian who is not ashamed of who he/she is and who their allegiances lie with.
oh get a life.
"HONESTLY!! imagine what baby christians would think if they heard this!!? it would scare them off and they'd wouldnt want to know anything about god or the christian faith...and so they would go on with their helpless and hopeless lives without christ. now THAT is not what god wants."
Yep. We are Christ's ambassadors. If we behave like shonks, then people will assume Christ is shonk.
Think about it.
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