feeling excited
wow. life is so so good.
its amazing how you can hit rock bottom then god brings things along that make you soar higher than you thought was possible, and somehow those troubles seem so far away - yet only if you let him.
i cant believe that in less than a month, i will be with my family, chillin in cairns.
i cant believe in less than a month i will have attended my first hillsong conference - at no expense of my own.
does god never give up?
im beginning to think he really does work 24/7 on finding ways to bless and uplift me.
everything is just so, so great. all i need now is to find $500 to get stuff done to my car and im laughin!...hear that god? lol
im also feeling so blessed to have the opportunity to speak into ppl's lives. tonight i was at club 180 and i was teaching a lesson on 'making a change'. wow - wot an interesting lesson for me to teach! haha. my life has just changed so so much. and it was so great to be able to genuinly share with beautiful young women about how god can bring about a change in u if u just trust, yield and let him take control. its funny, im teaching, yet im learning heaps too!
anyway im just feeling so happy. i can not wait til the mercy ball next week. i was talking to rob after club 180 tonight about what he's gonna wear and just about the ball in general and im just bubbling inside about it.
oh its so good to feel this way, so excited about life and about serving god and helping others. its just such a blessing and im so excited that god is working so hard in and on me
yeah, bring it on!
sooo blessed :)
Love you Carrie. The God who showers you with blessings is the same God who can turn things around.
wow i like that one hwin! well said!
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