Tuesday, June 28, 2005

suprising respect

so strange...i just had a phone call from travis...a guy that i got a bit involved with one night a few weeks ago. it was one of those weird (and idiotic) things. we hooked up one night and still kept in contact now and then. however after deciding to change my ways for good i decided i would have to just be friends with him, or nothing at all. we hadnt really spoken in a while. and i wasnt too bothered by it cos i knew that he was wanting to catch up.

anyway...he called tonight. straight away he said, something along the lines of..."hey i just really wanted to apolagise for not calling you lately. its just the last time we talked u seemed really upset and not urself so i thought that maybe you needed your space, but maybe i gave you too much space and i just wanted to call and let you know that i wasnt blowing you off, i just wasnt sure when would be a good time to call"
i laughed and said it was fine and that i wasnt at all offended and that i wasnt worried at all but that it was nice of him to call and make sure that i was ok

then he said that his boss had given him a double pass to the movies and there was no one he'd rather take than me. i told him id happily go, but only as friends. he hesitated and said ..."can we b friends that kiss?" i didnt say anything to that. and then i think he realised he'd stuffed up and he apolagised profusely. i then explained to him that i didnt want to go into details becos he didnt know me well but that i just needed to stay single and stay away from men. that it was just something i needed to do. he took it well tho which was great. i apolagised and explained that i really wanted to tell him in person but didnt want to lead him on and go to the movies with him, with the impression that i wanted to pursue something serious. i also told him that it had nothing to do with him and that he had been lovely and been sweet to me and treated me with respect. and he went on to say that if he ever treated me without respect at all that it wasnt intentional.

over all it was a really good conversation. and he was really good about the whole thing. we had a long chat about how men treat ladies and how we had been mistreated in previous relationships. i mean i cud be wrong, but he does seem like a genuine nice guy, which i think is due to his good up bringing. its obvious he holds his mum with the highest esteem. i encouraged him to never change and make sure that he always treats girls nicely. im glad that we're still going to be friends. well i mean, we'll see if i ever hear from him again. hahaha.

its just put me in a good mood, that there is ONE guy in my life who has the decency to respect my new boundaries and actually encourage me in them. anyway. thats my blah blah for now.


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