Thursday, November 11, 2004


i havent been able to publish on here for a while so this entry is bout two days old...

today shani and i lowered our levels, to that of true 'teeny-boppers' and watched "Cinderella Story"with hillary duff in it. i tell ya, i cant stand that girl. but she played the part well. it waspredictable, cheesy...yet cute and pulled at the heart strings a little. you know how movieswork in a way to get ur heart aching and ur mind thinking in a certain way to feel love or hate towards characters etc...yep, yr 12 english did teach me something.
the way the story goes is, she is miss loser and he is mr popular. they meet on the net at schoolor something and he shares alot with her, his poems and dreams for the future. blah blah blah. they r clearly infatuated with each other, but dont actually know who each other is yet. in real life they see each other frequently but dont realise who they are. he asks to meet her in the middle of the school dance, dance floor at 11pm. so yeh,,,ANYWAY
she rocks up in this gorgeous dress, but wearing a mask so he doesnt realise who she is at firstblah blah blah. the part that got to me was when they were out in this gazebo dancing and he isclearly so infatuated with her. he's trying to work out who she is by asking '10 questions'. itskinda cute. very intense. the intensity is what got to me a little. i thought "gee, i dont remember any guy being so intense and tuned in on JUST ME before" its not like it made me sad oranything. if anything it makes me long to have a guy that is infatuated with me. not necessarily now...but you know, eventually. it would be nice. but i dunno, maybe it is too much to ask. and u know wot else wud b nice? to get a good kiss. that would be reeaaal nice. its been a long while since ive been genuinly kissed. by that i mean, kissed by someone who wouldnt dream of kissing anyone else but me. a good kisser is a weakness of mine. thats all i want really, is someone who will treat me good and kiss me better. hahaha. not necessarily in that order jokes.
on sunday we were coming home from hai shi jiao. the 'whites' were coming over to hang out for theafternoon. there is this guy, phil. he is jons mate, but we get along good too. i remember we got off the bus in kai fai qu and went to jump in a cab and phil opened the cab door for me! oh i just love it when guys do that!!! i smiled at him and said 'aw phil ya sweety, thanks!' and he just laughed and made some crack about being an alabama gentleman or something. i mean there was nothing in it, thats just how his parents bought him up. but thats what i wud like, a guy that treats me good.i mean i dont want every last door held open for me, im not the queen and i dont need a slave for a bf. but every now and then its nice to get treated special :-)


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