Sunday, November 28, 2004

my weekend...

well this weekend was not like every other weekend. well, it was less routine. ive noticed all my weekends seem the same lately. i dont really like that. mind u, this weekend wasnt toooo amazing. i was sick from early sat morn to early this morn. THAT was horrid. i had a sore throat, headache, cough, dizziness, throwing up, diarrhea it was terrible. all the muscles in my body ached i was so weak i cud hardly walk n wen i stood up all i wanted to do was yack. oh i hated it! luckily mum took good care of me. it made me want to cry, having someone to take care of me. it made me think of the times back in oz wen i was sick and it was just me. thru terrible hang overs or bugs or a small stint of food poisoning. sometimes u just feel like ud rather die. so i was so appreciative of my mums loving and tender touch.

i had hoped to go into hai shi jiao for fellowship but felt too weak. however by 10 am today i felt good again. Dan had asked me to go shopping with him so i got myself together and met him in town. we had fun. im glad i went. i was a lil late cos i missed the train. we went to victory plaza. its heaps n heaps of shops that are all underground. about 4 levels underground. its pretty crazy but good for a laugh. we looked around for a jacket for him. finally found one. then i was looking for gloves but didnt find any. we had a look at some accessories n i bought some cute earings.

after that we went to a bar to meet some friends of his. he has two aussie friends (both chicks) from canberra. they were pretty nice but seemed like they were straight out of the bush. they had pretty fowl mouths and werent too classy. i know that sounds snobby, n i dont mean to sound that way, but thats the best way to describe them. they did seem like good fun tho n it was nice to b with some fellow aussies again - almost comforting. there was a guy too, John. i dont know where he was from, we didnt get to talk much. we left the bar n went out n played haki-sack in a local park til i decided to go home. dan walked me to a place to catch a cab. we said our polite good byes n i jumped in the car.

part of me is like "ooo he's so cute and awesome!" but part of me is also like "he's gay" hahaha. i guess he's kind of a 'metro man' altho not entirely. not that being a metro man makes u gay. it was just a few comments he made i guess. but he seems like a very open minded person, not an anal "bloke" that wont talk about things that dont make them "tough". either way i really enjoyed his company. i cant tell wot he thinks of me. we had a few "moments" i guess. but i dunno. he said he'd call me later in the week. so we'll see. i bet i sound like an idiot. i feel like an idiot. oh im such an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

as ty n i were saying on the fone together this evening "things never work out the way you plan/hope" and its so true. altho he was referring to a different situation, but still, i think that still applies to this one. things just dont work out with me n other guys. i cud think of at least 2 off the top of my head. but i wont go into those. i seem to always make the mistake of thinking i have a chance with someone, but i dont. i dont know wot it is. obviously there is SOMETHING about me that makes guys not want me. i guess im just 'not pretty enuff'. thats usually wot it comes down to.
anyway im spinning crap now.
im off.


At 6:47 AM, Blogger ruthjanine said...

i think that of me often, like "im not pretty enough" or "whatever enough", but in the end, do i really want those types of guys that look for that anyways? Carrie you are a beautiful person, both inside and out - never forget that!


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