Thursday, November 25, 2004

a dull day that turned bright

well, im feeling alot better now than i did this morning after my mental breakdown. hahaha. thankfully my day improved alot. ITS SNOWING!!! wow. its just so beautiful. ive been saying "its gonna snow any day now, i just know it"....power of words huh? hehe.
dad called to say it was snowing in dalian n soon enuff it was snowing in kai fai qu as well. it was so fresh. it bought new fresh, crisp air. wen i left to go to work n stepped outside i was just so overwhelmed. it like, swept away my worries n freshened me up! the feeling of the snow falling on my face is just so hard to describe. tha flakes were miniscule so it was really special.

also, tonite was thanks giving dinner. jon, shani n i went. it was pretty good. i was hoping that Dan wud be there and he was. he is this canadian chinese guy that im friends with and a little fond of. its not like im in love with him, he just, how can i say....he makes my heart beat a little faster wen im round him. haha. n he helps me to remember wot its like to flirt again!...i was starting to forget! i saw him while trying to get food. it was clearly a prodominatly asian crowd cos there was no manners n ppl pushing to get to the food...he helped me get some food on my plate. hehe. then later he asked if i got any turkey. he said he hadnt n there was some on my table, so i saved him some - much to his delight. haha. towards the end i was sitting on my own n he came over n sat with me n we had a short convo, then everyone returned n he disapeared. he returned a min later with his scarf on and i tugged at it playfully. he said that he was going to "??(some bar)" tomorrow nite if i wanted to come. oh! i was so excited. i told him i didnt know where it was, so he gave me his number n said to call him tomorrow to sort it out.
im so excited. he's so funny, so easy to get along with n cute too. i hope that i can somehow find a way to go. altho convincing mum that its safe cud b quite a task. i dont really know his intentions. he's prolly just being social n friendly. not that it matters cos im leaving in just over a month. oh he's so cute!!!!!!!!!.
i guess we'll just see wot happens. if i cant go tho, i wont b heart broken.


At 4:36 AM, Blogger ruthjanine said...

Carrie i love your pics and am so glad you had such a great time - i thought of you while you were there!
Ohhh, i can't imagine what it would be so have snow fall on your face - how wonderful and beautiful!


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