Saturday, September 18, 2004

busy busy busy

hey hey hey
well its been a few days since writing on here. i dont seem to be able to view my blog, or anyone elses at the moment. the link works for other ppl but its not working here in china...*sigh* wotever. i wont let it get me down .i will just keep writing and believe that all will work out.

i have been a real busy chicken. thursday shani and i went shopping for AGES! it was her bday on friday so mum gave us heaps of money to go hard and enjoy ourselves and hopefully find something for shani for her bday the following day. it was so much fun. i bought this black bag that ive been eyeing off for ages! its HHUUUGEE! i cant explain it. ill have to get a pic of it. i love it. and i got this louis vuitton daily planner that ive been obsessing over! i actually found one! i cudnt believe it...AND i found a louis vuitton business card holder thing. i wanna use it for going out. so i can put my money and id in it and then just stick it in my pocket, rather than carrying a bag or a purse or something.

friday was shani's bday. we got her a whole bunch of stuff from an avon shop thats on our street and few other bits and peices. we really wanted to get her a nice dressy suit, like pants and a nice jacket but its just too hard to find real nice, good quality clothes that r at a reasonable price here. unless u get them tailored and we just cudnt be bothered with the fuss of measurements and bartering for price of labour and then material. its a real effort.

we went out for lunch which was real nice then i had to go and teach in the afternoon. when i got home jon, shani and i jumped in a cab and went into Dalian. on friday nights they have youth. they all go to thise peoples apartment and play games and watch movies and just hang out. they have been trying to get me to go but i wasnt really interested as there is really nobody my age. but i went last night and i had such a good time! we played this game called 'sardines' its like hide and seek...except that only 1 person hides and then we look for them in pairs. wen u find that person u have to hide with them and that goes on until everyone finds them. its kool cos like u have to find a hiding place thats good for quite a few people, not just one person. i think i lost every round that we played. hahaha it was good fun tho. then we went inside at about, 10.30 and watched a DVD, cypher. that was real cool. then i was tired so i went to bed.

this morning we got up, had breaky then played monopoly. but there was 8 of us playing. it was too much for me so i pyked and had a shower and got myself all ready. after we went to maccas for lunch then went to this university to play 'ultimate firsby' that was real fun. its like football except with a frisby. very exhausting tho and today was very hot. i kept having breaks to get out of the sun becos i remember i got burnt here once and the sun can be quite vicious.

so yeh. we basically just got home. tonight we have a going away dinner for this guy david that we know, he's going back to the states. so that shud be nice. any excuse to get all dolled up, and wear my fave hot boots! they wont know wots hit them!!!!!


At 7:07 PM, Blogger ruthjanine said...

Hi! Anna and i are here at my house reading your blog - happy to hear you are having so much fun!!


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