Tuesday, September 14, 2004

a time to grow?

its hard to believe that i have been in china for over 2 weeks. in some ways it seems ive been here alot longer, yet at the same time i feel like i only just got here. i know everyone says that about alot of stuff, but im being serious!! i actually mean it!!! :p

its funny tho how in that small space of time (small in comparison to my life) alot can happen. not so much phsyically but mentally and spititually. im still the same person. i havnt changed, im still odd but ive been doing alot of thinking. ive had alot of free time. its like, being in china i feel like im looking down on my life in perth and pulling it to peices and analysing it. wot is good? wot is bad? knowing that things wont be the same wen i get back. which in come cases is good but in most, is bad. i hope that my friendships dont change. i place very high value on friendships. with my family being so far away its important to have ppl close to me.

ive decided to read the whole bible while im here. ive worked out wot i have to read every day to make sure that i do so. i got a little behind to start with, which resulting in many hours of reading these last 2-3 days. but now im up to date. im enjoying it. god is speaking to me. in areas that i need it...but theres still many many areas left to deal with. the old testament is so far very boring. altho im enjoying reading about all those stories u learn about in sunday school. its interesting wot u remember and wot u dont. i need to pray more tho. praying is someting i rarely even do. which is really bad. actually its stupid. i enjoy it. i need to lock myself away.

i met some nice ppl at a foreign fellowship last sun and im hoping to attend there again this weekend. actually, i met a real nice guy there. whom i can not stop thinking about. hes canadian. cute. but i think he's like 27 maybe older. he doesnt look it tho. but to me, well thats kinda old. i dunno. i am sure that nothing will come of it. but i enjoy his company. hes very easy to talk to and we get along real well. hes a gentleman too. opens doors for ladies, always lets them go first thru a door. im a sucker for guys like that. but yeh. i cant even remember his name. hahha IM NOT WORTHY! hes actually going to australia in january wen i fly back. but sadly hes only going to the eastern states not perth. typical. maybe i can persuade him? not likely.

boys r just too hard. i received this rather random email from an ex the other day. he was one of those guys that i will never forget. one thing i have forgotten tho is why i was attracted to him! haha. gosh that sounds mean. wot i mean tho is, he is a goth. actually here is a link to the pic of him that he sent me so i cud see the new peircings he has. http://www.clubblink.net/blinkweb/gallery/album27/res23510 wen i was with him he had 2 tongue rings and his labrette done. he always talked about getting a third tongue ring..i dont know if he did or not, but he's got two rings in his bottom lip. i cant say i ever liked those...i cant help but stare at them. hehe. but yeh anyway. we were only together for like 3 weeks...which is pretty long for me . he was quite morbid. very actually. but i liked him. he was mysterious. he was also the best kisser ever! oh my! actually wait, no, chris, he was the best kisser ever...oh i dont know!
but yes. i dont even know wot i was going to write anymore. woops.

i think i will leave it there for now b4 i confuse myself


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